Black Earth Humic LP originally took shape in 1998, focusing on developing high-grade reserves of humus material for the agriculture, horticulture and drilling markets. The raw material of all Black Earth products is humalite – a weathered type of sub-bituminous coal found only in Alberta and used exclusively for Black Earth Products.
High in humic and fulvic acids yet low in ash and toxic metals, our humalite is superior to lignite and leonardite. By harnessing its chemical and physical potential we develop innovative, highly effective products for a wide range of applications in the agricultural, environmental and industrial sectors.
Founded on and Supported by High-Quality Humalite Resources
…a customer-oriented solution provider underpinned by solid scientific research
…a developer, manufacturer, and distributor of high quality, competitively priced products
for a wide range of applications
Alpha is derived from humalite, a highly concentrated source of humic acid found only in Alberta, Canada. Humalite contains a unique profile of functional carbon groups, unmatched by other source materials.
The extraction method used to produce Alpha isolates the most bioactive humic acids contained within this unique source material. The result is a potent liquid humate that will give your crop the boost it needs
Magna is derived from humalite, a highly concentrated source of humic acid found only in Alberta, Canada. Humalite contains a unique profile of functional carbon groups, unmatched by other source materials.
Magna is a revolutionary humic product, delivering the unique properties of humalite in a durable, fertilizer-compatible granule, partially solubilized for rapid release and availability in any soil type.
Active80 SR, Active80 AG, Activ MP, Activ XP and Active80 GG and blend products are suitable as a soil amendment and fertilizer enhancer.
ACIT80 AG is a soil amendment and fertilizer enhancer. The active ingredients in this product is humic acids. Derived from humalite, this material is naturally occurring and found in the sub-bituminous coal fields of Alberta, Canada. Humalite is a soft, brown coal-like material that has many similarities to Leonardite but is very rich in humified matter and low in ash and other impurities.
ACTIV80 HP is a diffusing prill with over 80% humic acids, rapid breakdown, high strength, low dust and 100% compatible with all dry fertilizers.
To download the ACTIV80 HP product information sheet, click here.
Active80 DS can be used directly or diluted in water without any settlement.
Active FC has a 6.0 pH and is mechanically extracted using nano-filtration technology.
To download the ACTIV FC product information sheet, click here.
Active24 is an effective soil amendment, foliar spray, and fertilizer enhancer.
To download the ACTIV24 product information sheet, click here.
Six reasons you should be using Humic..
Humic acid is the most powerful and beneficial input in agriculture and yet there are still many growers around the world who are yet to discover a revolutionary product. It remains a mystery as to why a substance so intensively researched and proven should remain so poorly understood and utilized.
- Humic acid is not a synthetic or man-made product.
- Humic acid is the most powerful known stimulant of beneficial fungi in your soil.
- Humic acid enhances fertilizer inputs, making this investment more efficient and useful.
- Humic acid stabilizes fertilizers that will otherwise leach through the soil or become unavailable.
- Humic acid improves soil structure.
- Humic acid increases crop resilience.